DH-publish Service

API Documentation

The DH-publish service’s API is not yet fully implemented, nevertheless it is written down here how it works at the moment.

For every API call of the DH-publish service where IDs are involved, you do need a storage token and (optionally) a transaction ID. The storage token you can get via the DARIAH-DE Publikator. Just go to the Publikator and click on Start with the DARIAH-DE Publikator. Then please do log in via your DARIAH or DFN-AAI account and finally click on reveal storage token and copy the token (of the form 252dad1a-7b78-4384-88d1-59ba4e0edd42) or just click the Copy the OAuth Token to your clipboard. button (see tooltip).


HTTP POST /version

To check the current productive DH-publish version simply try:

and you get the currently deployed version of the productive and public DH-publish service.


HTTP POST /{Storage-ID}/publish

Request Parameters

Parameter Position Type Description
Storage-ID Path String The OwnStorage ID of the root collection (mandatory)
X-Storage-Token Header String DARIAH-DE OAuth2 storage token (mandatory)
X-Transaction-ID Header String ID used for logging (optional)


200 OK: Calling DH-publish service [{Storage-ID}] (text/plain)
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
405 Method Not Allowed
409 Conflict
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable

Example Request:

curl -H "X-Storage-Token: 252dad1a-7b78-4384-88d1-59ba4e0edd42" -H "X-Transaction-ID: testitest-4711" https://repository.de.dariah.eu/1.0/dhpublish/EAEA0-A43B-574C-4D38-0/publish

Example Response:

Calling DH-publish service [https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-A43B-574C-4D38-0]

Example of a root collection object (TTL):

@prefix dcterms:       <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix dariah:        <http://de.dariah.eu/rdf/dataobjects/terms/> .
@prefix dariahstorage: <https://de.dariah.eu/storage/> .
@prefix dc:            <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .

    a       dariah:Collection .

    a           dariah:DataObject ;
    dc:creator  "fu" ;
    dc:format   "image/gif" ;
    dc:rights   "restricted" ;
    dc:title    "Dragon.gif" .

    a                dariah:Collection ;
    dc:creator       "fu" ;
    dc:rights        "free" ;
    dc:title         "This is a very nice root collection file!" ;
    dcterms:hasPart  ( dariahstorage:EAEA0-15C8-2916-7718-0 dariahstorage:EAEA0-7113-BC10-9AF8-0 ) .

Example of a subcollection object (TTL):

@prefix dcterms:       <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix dariah:        <http://de.dariah.eu/rdf/dataobjects/terms/> .
@prefix dariahstorage: <https://de.dariah.eu/storage/> .
@prefix dc:            <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .

    a                dariah:Collection ;
    dc:creator       "fu" ;
    dc:rights        "free" ;
    dc:title         "Another very very nice subcollection file!" ;
    dcterms:hasPart  ( dariahstorage:EAEA0-9131-72D3-FA4E-0 ) .

    a           dariah:DataObject ;
    dc:creator  "fu" ;
    dc:format   "image/gif" ;
    dc:rights   "restricted" ;
    dc:title    "A Magenta Worm" .


HTTP POST /{Storage-ID}/status

Request Parameters

Parameter Position Type Description
Storage-ID Path String The OwnStorage ID of the root collection (mandatory)
X-Storage-Token Header String DARIAH-DE OAuth2 storage token (mandatory)
X-Transaction-ID Header String ID used for logging (optional)
Accept Header String text/xml, application/json


200 OK: XML or JSON response body
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
405 Method Not Allowed
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable

Example of a not yet published and not yet queued collection (XML status response):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<publishResponse objectListComplete="false">
    <PublishObject uri="https:/de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-A43B-574C-4D38-0" status="NOT_YET_PUBLISHED"/>
    <PublishStatus progress="0" processStatus="NOT_QUEUED" activeModule="de.langzeitarchivierung.kolibri.webservice.dariahde.publish.DHPublishServiceImpl"/>

Example of a not yet published and not yet queued collection (JSON status response):

  "objectListComplete": false,
  "publishStatus": {
    "progress": 0,
    "processStatus": "NOT_QUEUED",
    "activeModule": "de.langzeitarchivierung.kolibri.webservice.dariahde.publish.DHPublishServiceImpl"
  "publishObjects": [
      "uri": "https:/de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-A43B-574C-4D38-0",
      "status": "NOT_YET_PUBLISHED"

Example of a published collection (XML status response):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<publishResponse dryRun="false" objectListComplete="true">
    <PublishObject uri="https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-A43B-574C-4D38-0" pid="doi:10.20375/0000-001A-3887-D" status="OK"/>
    <PublishObject uri="https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-15C8-2916-7718-0" pid="doi:10.20375/0000-001A-3888-C" status="OK"/>
    <PublishObject uri="https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-9131-72D3-FA4E-0" pid="doi:10.20375/0000-001A-388A-A" status="OK"/>
    <PublishObject uri="https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-7113-BC10-9AF8-0" pid="doi:10.20375/0000-001A-3889-B" status="OK"/>
    <PublishStatus progress="100" processStatus="FINISHED" activeModule="de.langzeitarchivierung.kolibri.actionmodule.dariahde.publish.PublishComplete"/>

Example of a published collection (JSON status response):

  "dryRun": false,
  "objectListComplete": true,
  "publishStatus": {
    "progress": 100,
    "processStatus": "FINISHED",
    "activeModule": "de.langzeitarchivierung.kolibri.actionmodule.dariahde.publish.PublishComplete"
  "publishObjects": [
      "uri": "https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-A43B-574C-4D38-0",
      "pid": "doi:10.20375/0000-001A-3887-D",
      "status": "OK"
      "uri": "https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-15C8-2916-7718-0",
      "pid": "doi:10.20375/0000-001A-3888-C",
      "status": "OK"
      "uri": "https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-9131-72D3-FA4E-0",
      "pid": "doi:10.20375/0000-001A-388A-A",
      "status": "OK"
      "uri": "https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-7113-BC10-9AF8-0",
      "pid": "doi:10.20375/0000-001A-3889-B",
      "status": "OK"


HTTP POST /{Storage-ID}/ministatus

Request Parameters

Parameter Position Type Description
Storage-ID Path String The OwnStorage ID of the root collection (mandatory)
X-Storage-Token Header String DARIAH-DE OAuth2 storage token (mandatory)
X-Transaction-ID Header String ID used for logging (optional)
Accept Header String text/xml, application/json


200 OK: XML or JSON response body
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
405 Method Not Allowed
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable

Example of a not yet published and not yet queued collection (XML ministatus response):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<publishResponse objectListComplete="false">
    <PublishObject uri="https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-B52F-B2E3-1393-0" status="NOT_YET_PUBLISHED"/>
    <PublishStatus progress="0" processStatus="NOT_QUEUED" activeModule="de.langzeitarchivierung.kolibri.webservice.dariahde.publish.DHPublishServiceImpl"/>

Example of a not yet published and not yet queued collection (JSON ministatus response):

  "objectListComplete": false,
  "publishStatus": {
    "progress": 0,
    "processStatus": "NOT_QUEUED",
    "activeModule": "de.langzeitarchivierung.kolibri.webservice.dariahde.publish.DHPublishServiceImpl"
  "publishObjects": [
      "uri": "https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-B52F-B2E3-1393-0",
      "status": "NOT_YET_PUBLISHED"

Example of a published collection (XML ministatus response):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<publishResponse dryRun="false" objectListComplete="true">
    <PublishObject uri="https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-A43B-574C-4D38-0" pid="doi:10.20375/0000-001A-3887-D" status="OK"/>
    <PublishStatus progress="100" processStatus="FINISHED" activeModule="de.langzeitarchivierung.kolibri.actionmodule.dariahde.publish.PublishComplete"/>

Example of a published collection (JSON ministatus response):

  "dryRun": false,
  "objectListComplete": true,
  "publishStatus": {
    "progress": 100,
    "processStatus": "FINISHED",
    "activeModule": "de.langzeitarchivierung.kolibri.actionmodule.dariahde.publish.PublishComplete"
  "publishObjects": [
      "uri": "https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-A43B-574C-4D38-0",
      "pid": "doi:10.20375/0000-001A-3887-D",
      "status": "OK"


HTTP POST /{Storage-ID}/info

Request Parameters

Parameter Position Type Description
Storage-ID Path String The OwnStorage ID of the root collection (mandatory)
X-Storage-Token Header String DARIAH-DE OAuth2 storage token (mandatory)
X-Transaction-ID Header String ID used for logging (optional)
Accept Header String text/xml, application/json


200 OK: XML or JSON response body
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
405 Method Not Allowed
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable

Example of a published collection (XML info response):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<infoResponse status="PUBLISHED" pid="21.T11991/0000-001A-3887-D" doi="10.20375/0000-001A-3887-D" uri="https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-A43B-574C-4D38-0" module="de.langzeitarchivierung.kolibri.actionmodule.dariahde.publish.PublishComplete" task="" progress="100" rdf="EAEA0-9AE3-F007-A5C2-0"/>

Example of a published collection (JSON info response):

   "status": "PUBLISHED",
   "pid": "21.T11991/0000-001A-3887-D",
   "doi": "10.20375/0000-001A-3887-D",
   "uri": "https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-A43B-574C-4D38-0",
   "module": "de.langzeitarchivierung.kolibri.actionmodule.dariahde.publish.PublishComplete",
   "progress": 100,
   "rdf": "EAEA0-9AE3-F007-A5C2-0"

Example of a not yet published and not yet queued collection (XML info response):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<infoResponse status="DRAFT" pid="" doi="" uri="https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-B52F-B2E3-1393-0" progress="0"/>

Example of a not yet published and not yet queued collection (JSON info response):

  "status": "DRAFT",
  "uri": "https://de.dariah.eu/storage/EAEA0-B52F-B2E3-1393-0",
  "progress": 0


See dhpublish_sources


See dhpublish_bugtracking
